SASE and cybersecurity? More jargon, I hear you say. But SASE and cybersecurity have recently entered the forefront of the minds of business owners, CEOs, CFOs and CIOs across the globe. Let me tell you why.
Before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, remote and home working was considered by many as somewhat of a luxury. Now, out of necessity, these practices have become the new norm and possibly will continue into the foreseeable future. But with remote working comes potentially business-crippling cybersecurity risks. Ask yourself these questions:
- How do I protect my data and that belonging to my clients when my employees can be working from anywhere and at any time?
- How do I monitor and control these vast number of data access points?
- How well-trained are my employees in sound cybersecurity strategies?
- How will my business survive if it is subjected to an attack from hackers?
In answer to these questions, this is where SASE and cybersecurity come into play.
SASE, pronounced ‘Sassy’, is the acronym for Secure Access Service Edge. And how are SASE and cybersecurity-related? SASE is an emerging cybersecurity architecture that reinvents networking and security technologies that were once supplied by hardware devices in the office. Instead, SASE replaces these technologies with cloud computing services that can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere. And why the need for SASE? Remote working has meant that businesses and individuals are no longer confined to the limitations of physical network infrastructures. By extension when employees can work from any location simply defending computers in the office isn’t a solution. You need to apply cybersecurity measures that are always on and always offer robust protection against prevalent cybercriminals.
SASE and its cybersecurity counterpart can be classified into these advanced security capabilities:
- web content inspection
- malware scanning
- URL filtering
- cloud application access
- advanced data protection
In a nutshell, SASE fights the war against cybercrime, and in a world where cyber criminals never sleep, using dynamic and state-to-the-art protection for remote working.
Saying that SASE is popular is an understatement. As I said, since the onset of COVID-19, CEOs, CIOs, and CFOs have become increasingly conscious of the need to have more stringent cybersecurity measures in place. Many businesses have realized that remote working may be the only way forward but are also cognizant of the risks that come with this practice. In a research study involving 508 CEOs and CIOs from all over the world, 43% said that they had adopted SASE while 47% claimed that its adoption was on the cards. That’s a massive 90%. What are you waiting for?
Do you still have doubts about SASE and cybersecurity? No need. I have a wealth of experience in professional business IT, cybersecurity and risk mitigation. Implementing SASE to protect your data and your business will be a walk in the park. Contact me now for a consultation. I’ll show you how to do it.