While I wouldn’t go so far as to say that your data is your life, vulnerabilities in your IT including the mistakes you make are potentially life-changing. You need to protect yourself from hackers who are continually improvising new ways to access your computer and other devices to get your personal information and even steal your identity. Protect yourself and your data from hackers and scam artists now. Here are 4 anti-hacking tips to get you going.
Appropriate anti-malware definitely helps to protect your devices and prevent your data from falling into the wrong hand. But be vigilant about which software you install. Richard Roth, the CEO of an established technology solutions company Progressive Tech in Seattle, says that anti-malware software should be selected and installed with caution:
“Be cautious with ‘single fix’ utilities. There are many free utility or security apps promising to be able to fix anything and everything that might go wrong.”
Malwarebytes is often a go-to for anti-malware. The software has been tried and tested and you can protect yourself from a variety of sophisticated cyberthreats, including malware, such as spyware and adware, viruses, online scams, phishing sites, and ransomware. Malwarebytes basic is free and the premium package comes with a 30-day trial.
Don’t install apps willy-nilly, even if they are free. Apps that are suspect open your IT up to untold vulnerabilities, data threat, and in some cases you may not be able to uninstall the app. Google Play apps are usually authentic. Nevertheless, check that the publisher is legitimate and read app reviews.
Many sites will ask you if you want to stay logged in for convenience. However, being constantly online to an account opens both the account and your data to hacking. Protect yourself and log out to prevent hackers from accessing and taking control of your data. Remember that once a social media account has been hacked, it’s hacked forever.
Public Wi-Fi networks pose serious security risks. While encryption offers some protection against hacking, a determined and skilled hacker can always find a way to access your device. Using open wireless networks also means that your device can be infected with virus, malware, spyware, and much more. Take these words of warning from
I have cybersecurity in my blood after working in professional business IT for more than 20 years. If you have any doubts about the security of your devices and the data they contain, please get in touch. Protect yourself from hacking – it’s the very least that you can do.